Tips on getting Bugs off of your ride.

Dave LeGear

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Larry from Ammo NYC does a really good job showing how to remove bugs from your prized ride in this video. As even he denotes, it is Love Bug season again here in Florida and if left to cook by the Sun into the Clear Coat they being so acidic, can simply destroy the paint!

Best protection for them (Bugs) is having the front end as protected as possible "Before" the onslaught for sure. And I have been very pleased as I have denoted before, with using some layers of ArmaShield found here: on the front end of your SUV or Truck.

Now don't forget! if you are a Premium Member, we have a coupon code for Armashield that you can find here:

And then (if you really want it to Pop) using Bead Maker as a topper for the ArmaShield to secure even more gloss and level of protection (surface slickness) at the same time :cool:

Also, do yourself a favor and keep a clean Microfiber towel inside the door with a small spray bottle of either product or a detailing spray as lubricant. And check the front end from time to time and hit it with such and wipe off any bugs you see to help prevent them from making a larger mess ;)

Hope this helps and Happy Easter!
And when I say Bugs, I mean Bugs and it is really bad this year! We has some friends drive to the Island from Sebring yesterday which is about a 2 hour drive, and this was the end result of just one half of their trip here :oops:



And this was the windscreen looking from the inside out...


They keep the Pressure Washer companies in business for sure, and you simply cannot let that mess get baked into the paint from the Sun! This is why it is so very important, that you a have good sealant on the paint, so you are not spending hours trying to get them back off! o_O

Oh and don't forget to pop open the hood when spraying them down, and get as many of them as you can off the radiator from both sides of the grill! Though I have not seen it myself I suspect, they can help plug up the cooling fins on the radiator and make the engine run much warmer than normal. This while also trying to plug up the A/C condenser and create some possible expensive problems for your A/C system at the same time...
Wow, Yes that is quite the mess. Both BTS and ArmaShield are great at laying down a coat that helps release bugs. We have many customers that rave about this including myself. Customers in Florida especially love it for Love Bug season.