T-Top Encloser Cleaner

Mike in Maine

Participating Member
What's the best way to clean the windows on the T-Top enclosure curtins?
I don't have fresh water at my dock only Mother nature.

Thanks, M I M
Do not use Windex. It has a ph of 10+ and will make your windows hase over in time. You should not use Windex on any kind of plastic or plastic coatings including sunglasses.
The best thing to use on them is any good plastic cleaner. Also I keep a spritz bottle full of water with a couple drops of Dawn dish detergent in it on the boat. This works good while out on the water and I need to clean my curtin windows or my wind-shield. Hope this helps, Bob
rudderhinge, Is there something you can use to reverse the effects of someone using a window cleaner solution on them? :)
rudderhinge, Is there something you can use to reverse the effects of someone using a window cleaner solution on them? :)

If they are dis-colored, Yellow or Brown, theirs not much hope for them. The dis-coloration is a sigh of the vinyl breaking down from any number of things.
If they are scratched you can do things to make them look better, but the scratchs are there for good.

I remove the curtins from the boat and lay them on a table so that I can lay them flat. Be sure to protect the vinyl by using a towel or bed spread on top of your table.
First clean the vinyl with a mild detergent and water.
Dry with a dry soft cloth.
I then use Meguiars, Mirror Glaze 10 Clear Plastic Polish. Thier are others. Just follow the directions on the bottle.
This polish will not dry white so it will help fill in the scratchs and make the vinyl look much better. The more coats of polish you put on them will help even more.

Randy, if your vinyl is dis-colored but the material on the curtins is still in good shape you can have the vinyl windows replaced for a lot less than the cost of a new set. Hope I have helped. Bob
You certainly have helped Bob. I may add cleaning curtains to the DVD project! I'll try to order some of the Mirror Glaze 10 product that you mentioned. Thanks!
Here is a link to the products online if anyone is interested. I also found them at WestMarine.

Mequiars Glaze
Rudderhinge....Do you know how to remove rubs left on acrilic windshield from the plastic curtin.

With a handle of windowguy and your asking me about a window. Well, OK windoooooowguy.
When they took the shipping cover off of my boat the first thing that I seen was rud marks and scratchs in the vinly windows and the acrilic windshield on my brand new boat and enclosures. Not just the front enclosure window but the two side one also. The acrilic windshield was junked and I was trying to keep my cool. The inside of the boat was covered with road grim and it acted like sand paper where the vinyl windows, windshield and the t-top cross bars all rubbed together during shipping.
I told my dealer about this and he told his crew to replace them all.
So I fell for ya windowguy.
If they are new take it back to the dealership. If not try the Meguiare's that I talked about in the previous thread. It will make the scratchs less noticeable and will help protect the vinyl and the acrilic windows. It is a polish, it will leave a coating and take the static out so the two will not stick together so bad.Do not use windex on eather of them. Good Luck, Bob
You certainly have helped Bob. I may add cleaning curtains to the DVD project! I'll try to order some of the Mirror Glaze 10 product that you mentioned. Thanks!

What a great idea Randy, I only wish someone would have told me years ago about using high pH cleaners on vinyl, acrilics and plastics.
It also would be nice to do something on proper storage off boat curtins. That is where most of them get wasted.
If you have any step-by-step instructions on storage of them and don't mind sharing the info, please send to me and I'll try to represent it well in the DVD. :) I'll research the subject too. Thanks.
If you have any step-by-step instructions on storage of them and don't mind sharing the info, please send to me and I'll try to represent it well in the DVD. :) I'll research the subject too. Thanks.

Randy, check out http://www.boatdocs1.com
On the right side of the home page is a menu. 2/3 ways down the menu click on Vinyl/Isanglass. They even talk about restoring vinyl windows after being damaged. Lot of good stuf about boat maintenance on this web site.
M I M, check out the above link. This info may help you with your problem with your vinyl windows and your windshield.
You can get 303 Aerospace Protectant at Boatersworld. Part Number: 17-884-0047.
My addition to this is in how I store my side curtains. I use foam pipe insulation as an insert when rolling the curtains up. I also put an old bath towel over the clear vinyl portion so it keeps the vinyl from touching other vinyl or canvas surfaces. That cuts down on the scratching from rough surfaces and stitching. The foam insert lets you store the sections on their sides and keeps them from collapsing and forming creases. I then store all these rolls in an old yard canopy bag. Keeps them organized, easy to grab for the next trip and away from UV rays when not in use.

I agree with rudderhinge on the waxing also. Water beads off better too.
