Westport CT - Striped Bass Spring Run - Inauguration


Contributing Member
So I finally got the skunk off the boat (schoolies didn't quite do it).

Fished 6AM outgoing tide in the fog. Jigged soft plastic in about 12 to 18 feet of water when BAM! This fat sloppy beautiful COW smacked the jig 10 feet from the bow. At first, she just sat there... then... ran like heck.

She came in at 33" and 16.5 lbs. Now that's one fag hog of a sloppy - beautiful bass!

While I was getting the camera ready, I put her in my bait tank...

Uhh, won't fit.

The release...

Then I went over to the Norwalk harbor and scored this beauty...

28" and 6 lbs. This one was much thinner.

The Norwalk bass was caught in 3' of water.
Very nice great photos! You're a better man than me I'm afraid that first toad would be wedged into my BBQ not my bait tank.
Thanks for the report
I'm always tempted to sharpen the fillet knife. But the western part of the Long Island Sound isn't what you would call 'pristine'. I understand that these fish are migratory and prolly are safe to eat, but haven't quite got there mentally yet.

That tight line sure did feel good!!!
Nice report..., I saw some Thresher shark report on another site..This dude caught 5 YES 5 thresher sharkes from 120 - 160 lbs ALL RELEASED..cool pictures attached to that post.