Anyone do 'Fancy Work' on their rigs?

Its separate. Some people put the turks head next to the hitches. I put the turks head on the hitches. It makes it look larger and more define. In theory, you could do the turks head/hitches in one continuous piece but it would limit your being able to rotate it. Its MUCH better to rotate the turks head while making it than it would be to rotate the object you're dressing up.
I did develop one question. Is the turks head knot separate from the half hitches or done as one continuous piece.

k9reno, They are separate from the hafe hitches. Look back to post 32 of this thread and read paragraph 5 and nocturn explanes how to do the half hitches where the turks heads will lay on them. good luck. Bob

Sorry nocturn. I did not see you post answering k9reno.
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Anyone done anything new?

Sorry I havent posted the pictures. Life got in the way. :)
I have been practicing. I am going to put a grip on the grab rail part of my t top . I am getting the hang of the turks head, but is there some kind of trick to tightening it up. I cant seem to get it very tight.
Are you soaking the line in warm water prior to wrapping it?

Soaking it in warm water and a little dish soap and or fabric softener will relax the line prior to the wrapping process. After a good 10 minute soak, pinch the line between the fingernail on your thumb and index finger and kind of "squeegee" some of the water out of the line. This will get some of the starch out of the new line.

When the knot is finished, hand tighten it the best you can and let it dry. It should tighten up pretty well.

Keeping the line wet before and during the process is key.

After a few turks heads, you will start to figure out how much pressure you will need at the beginning of the knot to end with a tight knot.

For me, If I am starting my third pass and I am not needing to use an aid (fid, marlinspike or scribe [in my case a scribe]), I know my Turkshead will be too loose. I start over.

Its trial and error... and a little help from water/soap.

Here are the long awaited photos of the process. I purposely left out a 1-2-3 on making the Turks Head and doing the half hitches. Seems everyone has a good grasp on doing them. What I did post are "Tips" on execution and things to make the process easier.

If any questions arise, please ask...hopefully someone can use the info...Enjoy!










Is someone going to post some work? C'mon, let see it!
Ok here is my start. I have the half hitch part done with three flat spots I am going to put turks heads in. It took several days for my fingers to heal I wrapped it so tight. I also put a little of that sticky sand paper under it in a couple spots. It will not slide down.

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nocturn, You are the Man. Great looking Fancy Work instructional. Much better than the ones I have seen in books. I have bought all the material and supplys that I need to get started. Now all I have to do is find the time to do it. I have been busy constructing a new parking area for the boat this spring and that has taken almost all my time. The project is just about done, only some landscaping left to do. Put again, Great looking illustrations and instructions. Thanks Bob.
gee glad to see there are others out there that do this too, I have done near everything arround here and the wife thinks I am nuts...I first did my gaff pulled the silly little rubber grip off and put my own on I didn't do half hitches tho I whipped it used vice grips on either end to pull it supper tight the did a turks head on the end.... rope work is good stuff.....
Hey guys...Long time no chat!

Sorry Ive been away for years. :)

Once I traded the 190 bay for the 215 and the site went to private, I just havent had a chance to register until a few days ago.

Anyway, I figured I bring this thread back to the top

Anyone done any fancy work since???

I made a Ocean Plat for the footwell of the 215. Ill post pics later.
Love your work Nocturn ... welcome back.

More pics? Yes please!
Thanks dude. I really haven't done anything noteworthy as of late. I was hoping some of the old timers on here have done or finished something. I guess they aren't around anymore.

It looks like thre traffic on this website has thinned out quite a bit since the transition to a pay site.

I guess this thread has run its course.

With puns like that you could be related to my family!
Haha. I didnt realize that came out like that.

Im seriously thinking about doing the helm on my new 215. The problem is the speed knob. I'm a big "symmetry" type person...almost obsessive compulsive (It drives my wife batty).

If I do the helm and leave the knob on, its going to bug the **** out of me visually. If I take the knob off, I'll lose a little steering maneuverability.

I dont know. Maybe I should just go fishing....

Time to revisit this fun thread?

Is anyone still here and doing stuff like this? Hard to believe this thing is almost 10 years old.
Seems you were way ahead of your time. I'm starting the see the wheel wraps on lots of flats boats in my area. I don't think anyone uses epoxy though.

Couple guys making money on other forums wrapping wheels. You send them the wheel and tell them what colors you want etc. and they send it back.

I had never seen this thread before. I like the idea of wrapping the stainless on the swim ladder too.

Nice work! Wish I could do it.
Seems you were way ahead of your time. I'm starting the see the wheel wraps on lots of flats boats in my area. I don't think anyone uses epoxy though.

Couple guys making money on other forums wrapping wheels. You send them the wheel and tell them what colors you want etc. and they send it back.

I had never seen this thread before. I like the idea of wrapping the stainless on the swim ladder too.

Nice work! Wish I could do it.

Yeah, not many people do the epoxy step. It seals the line and keeps it clean. It also makes it permanent. Most, if not all real life applications of this type of line work (Tug boats for instance) have years and years of paint on the line. The epoxy simulates that.

The swim ladder wrap worked out great. Just added that extra grip to the right spots.
Great to see this thread still around after 12 years.