BTS and ArmaShield Best use tips

Dave LeGear

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Premium Member
Yesterday, I received some more Dynovatech Products to use and a new one to test (looking forward to that) and along in the Box, was some new mini catalogs. Now I have used both BTS and ArmaShield on both my Auto's and Skiff in the past, and with great success on the Skiff! Also what I would consider as "good" results on Auto's for the protection level was great, I just did not get the depth of shine I like ;)

Now I still feel for that last element of POP that I like on our Auto's that P&S Bead Maker is the final polymer product that I always apply (at least until the Guru's over at Dynovatech can crack that chemical code :cool:) but as the second to last layer and even more so for "actual" surface protection, it is simply hard to beat BTS or ArmaShield. and I grin when I rinse or easily wipe off Bug Guts from using them!

Now part of the lack of Shine or POP in past uses for the Auto's though... Might be in how I was applying it which leads me to the purpose of this posting! As I was reading over the newer supplied mini catalogs (yes I read directions unlike some) I found that I may need to modify my application steps some this too get even better results, longevity, and in the long run. Save even more time and effort for future clean ups!

So I scanned the parts of that information sent to me and I think it will be time well spent by you "before" you tackle your next Maintenance Wash, or Exterior Detailing / Paint Enhancement project on your prized ride. To read them over so your planned process steps and end results, come out better than you expected!


And don't forget that if you are a Premium Member, our friends over at Dynovatech have some coupon codes that you can use for savings when getting some for yourself and those are located here:

And as always, do post up some before and after shots along with your findings when using them on either your Boat or Truck! Any help with how to best clean the surface of the paint before their use, please review our Detailing Targeted Forum located here:

Or feel free to send me a note here on the Site, and I will be most happy to help! This or loop in some resources even better qualified than yours truly too help guide you :D

Now go make her really shine!
Dave thanks for posting this. This is the inside of the brochure we send out with all orders. I am attaching the original jpeg below in case others would like to download.

Yes it's always a good idea to read the instructions - though sometimes we don't want to ha!

Many customers use BTS and/or ArmaShield as instant detailers and they can be used this way. However, we recommend getting a good 2-3 base coats on the clean surface first. This gives the polymers a chance to build that foundation for protection. Then when applying a quick or instant detail out in the field, that new product has the base layer to attach to and build upon. It's like most things in life - building a house, education, or credit score. It's always wise to start with a good solid foundation of knowledge or whatever the case may be. Once that foundation is there the products can be used as spray or instant detailers and will actually go on better. We have so many people that tell us the first and second coats looked great but that 3rd coat was magic regarding the shine.

I hope this helps anyone new to the products and maybe you can get some new ideas Dave,

Quick note on the use of ArmaShield as also denoted in the instructions above in the section and second paragraph of the "What to Expect"

To help test various products I have now set the Hyundai aside that is driven a lot more, thus more exposed to the Love Bug scourge... To test Armashield alone and see how well it holds up, and the level of shine it gives as a standalone product again?

So today I was doing a maintenance wash since it had some bugs that I had not had the time to take off by other means, which also made it a great time to get some straight Armashield on her. The bugs for the most part, rinsed right off (got to love that) but getting a good application of Armashield on her took much longer than I expected,,. The reason (as denoted above) was the haze that kept developing as I kept wiping it off.

I finally broke down and got my RO Buffer with a clean wool pad on it, to take all the haze back off which worked well! Just not what I expected since I keep mine in good shape though I suspect, it was the left over Bead Maker that was loosing up that was causing some of the issues.

So for those who do not have a Buffer (I use a Porter Cable 7424 by the way
which has served me well for over 20 plus years!)

I am going to highly recommend, that you apply the Armashield using the sponge method, and do smaller sections of each panel. Then... With a clean section of microfiber cloth, wipe it up as it starts to dry ;) If not, you are going to have fun like I did, getting it back to the level of shine we are all seeking!

Before shots and some might not even give it a bath, but they did not see all the dust and dried bugs on the front end like I could :rolleyes: Just click on those pictures and zoom in, you will see some of it...



And afterwards...



Even afterwards, I was walking around with a clean cloth, wiping here and there to either get some I missed, or had hazed back over some... So if you go this route like I did with another paint sealant product already applied (was Bead Maker for me in this case) you might want to set aside more time to apply it and buff it back out :D

Now let's see how well it alone, will keep that level of shine and more important! Make it where the bugs also rinse right off ;)

Any questions, feel free to ask here or send me a note!

Hey Dave,
Yes ArmaShield can be tough to buff off if you allow it to set too long. The film forming polymers in the product are the reason for this. But, they are also the reason the surface is durable. However, it sound like a little too much haze. You may be right that the Bead Maker could be the culprit in this. I do not have any personal experience with using ArmaShield with other products as I mostly just use it solely. Keep us posted!