


finally stumbled across this site. I can't believe all that I've missed! Bought a 2002 190 bay with 140 hp 4-stroke suzuki new back in 2002. Love the boat but dont get out as much i'd like.
got lots of questions regarding maintenance and improvements. i'll be sure to check out the website thoroughly for info b4 i ask for help.
look forward to using this site and thanks to all!
Chanb50, welcome.

You are one of the few that stated they would read first and ask questions second. I want to commend you on your goal.

There are many great Logic/Triumph owners here that will try to help with any question, but it is always good to know that you tried first.

Please remember the "Search" feature at the top of the page. That will help you find a lot of "stuff".

Again, welcome to the site. Speaking only for myself, I do not get out often enough either.
Welcome aboard chanb50! Glad you found us. Ditto's on Vic's comment about checking out the site and then asking. Sometimes it is hard to find exactly what you're looking for though so feel free to jump in when you're ready. I hope you find the site beneficial. :)