Night Fishing Lights for Stripers?


Participating Member
I saw some green fishing lights on the web and was wondering if anyone has ever used them in the northeast or to catch stripers anywhere? It looks like you hook them up to your battery and float them in the water behind your boat. It's a green light. They're supposed to attract plankton which brings in the bait fish and then the lager fish. I primarily fish for stripers in the Boston Harbor and was wondering if anyone has used these lights for night fishing. Are they a scam or is it worth the investment? Any thoughts are welcome.
Hi BostonFisher. I have one of the HydroGlow lights but haven't had a chance to use it yet. So I'd rather have someone that has used them to chime in here, but from all the information I've gathered they really work well. The concept certainly makes sense.

If you fish at night should also look at the HydroGlow Cap Lights. I do use these alot and not just for fishing. Just clip the cap light on your hat and turn on the light color you want to use. Your hands are free to bait rigs or whatever. Very cool.
Thanks NCangler. I'm sure they work for some fish so I'm hoping to get some insight into whether it's worth it for stripers. I also posted on so I'll let you know if I get a reply there.
I would be very interested to hear what you find out. I went freshwater striper fishing for the first time in my life two weeks ago. I fished Jordan Lake in Raleigh, NC with guide, Troy Roberson. We boated 31 stripers that day all in the 6-9 lb. range. Great fun. I know Capt. Troy has used HydroGlow lights so I'll see if I can get some input from him on them too. :)