Remote engine kill switch??


Contributing Member
I do a lot of offshore trolling on lake Michigan by myself.. I do a lot of work on the back of the boat rigging the rods and landing fish and although I try to be careful it does not take much for me to fall off the boat and the boat would just keep going leaving me treading 50 degree water. Is There some kind of wireless switch that could be activated if say a device I was wearing got to far from the boat or I had some kind of remote with a button to push to kill the engine. The tethered kill switch is just a huge hassle and I usually fish in 3 to 5 footers solo.....

Any ideas would be appreciated.
Look on the home page of this website and click on MariTec Industries tab. Its called Virtual Lifeline. Check it out. I think Randy (NC Angler) installed it on his boat before he sold it.
John D.
Remote Kill Switch

The short answer is yes.

The least expensive option would be to wire a remote lanyard kill switch at the stern of your boat. This could be done for less than $100. There are wireless devices, however, which would offer you greater flexibility. They all use an RF transmitter of some kind to communicate with a base receiver. Some only activate the transmitter when the sensor is submerged, and other are always transmitting and activate the cutoff when the base loses the sensors signal. Out of all the wireless systems curently available for Inshore use in the US, I like this one the best.

Mobilarm - MOBi-lert 720i | Mobilarm - Man overboard safety systems

I would also recommend carrying a PLB with GPS in the event you were unable to return to your vessel.
I purchased a wireless lanyard system for my 215 Chaos. It was very simple to install and worked great. Simply clip one of the transmitters (small clip on device and you can have as many on the boat as you want for people or pets) and if someone falls in the water the engine shuts off. There is a "Rescue" mode switch to quickly restart the engine for rescue. I liked the product so much that I added it to our online store. :)

More info on this system can be found here:

A product like this makes great sense to me. Especially for someone that fishes alone or likes the freedom to move about the boat working lines.