Triumph 215 Test Drive


Registered Member
Looking at 08 215 with honda 150 4S. The dealer took me for a test drive but the tachometer was disconnected. I am wondering if the tachometer will show the actual total engine hours or just the engine hours for the time the cable was connected. Has the standard guages that come with the 195/215 triumph series boats. I thought the dealer may have been a little shady and not want to show the actual engine hours on 2008 closeout model. How many hours on 2008 engine before it is not considered new.
On my yamaha you can get the motor hours by hooking the motor up to a computer. It also gives the hours at different rpm ranges. Not sure if its the same for Honda but just wanted to throw it out there. for me a engine with more than 5 hours is not NEW. also motors have a breakin period and when people test drive something they probaly have no reguard for that breakin period and just hammer the throttle.

Engine hours are stored on the ECU and not the tach. The tach more than likely (if not a Honda tach) cannot read from the ECU of the engine hours unless it has a Honda adapter that ties into the engine wiring harness. Your best bet is to have Honda digital gauges installed anyway since the 2 Honda digital gauges will tell you a lot of functions (like real time fuel burn rates) that the Triumph installed gauges cannot read and and a upgrade that is well worth the money ;)

You can also access the Honda owners manuals on their web page and read about any break in period that engine model year may require. My 150 though, did not require a lot of break in time and the critical thing I remember was not to keep it a constant RPM for the first few hours. Engine hours though really do not determine if a engine is new or not. What you need to know is "if" that engine has been put into service already, meaning the warranty clock is already running. Easy enough to read the engine ID number and call Honda Marine to get that information which I recommend you do before any money changes hands :cool:
I am sure it was a technical difficulty, the motor hours can be directly pulled from the motor.
I would definitely mind my p's and q's if the tach was disconnected, but it wouldn't dissuade me from buying the boat. I would check to see if the boat was ever titled and have them show me a history of engine usage in hours. I hope you get a good deal!