Fuel additives


Participating Member
I use a fuel stabilizer in my 115 hp Suzuki 4 stroke. i would like to add a Fuel injector cleaner but have concerns if the two addititves are compatable ( both addititves are Suzuki brand). Any help here?
Also how often should you use injector cleaner?
Thanks in advance
What are you using now?

I was advised by Yamaha to use an enzyme based stabilizer rather than Stabul or Heet.

The reason I ask is that I had nothing but trouble here in California when they switched over to E10 fuel.

I think an injector cleaner would go ok with the other additive(s), however I'd call your dealer and ask just to be sure.

I have been using some stuff called Star Tron and Ring Free decarbonizer (Or sometimes Seafoam). Now that I use these additives the troubles went away.

If you don't have a water/fuel seperating filter on your boat you would be well advised to get one and run the ten micron elements in it. If you do a search using "ethanol" you will pull some info that might help. I recall I posted some stuff down on the 150 board a while back too.

Here's a link about the Star Tron and E10 fuel...

I maintain a fleet of rental boats and since the advent of E-10 fuel, we have have alot of performance issues. A few years ago I started using a product called Soltron which is now called Startron under the Starbrite label. As Jan mention before, it has resolved alot of my problems in both four stroke and two stroke outboard engines. I have a main tank that I mix Stabil into at every fuel delivery. I then add Startron as needed to the individual boat. It has saved me countless carb teardowns and improved performance. I even run it in the yards equipment and have no issues staring or running. I've been using it in Mercury, Suzuki, Honda, Yamaha, Johnson and Evinrude engines with great results.