Pinfish Traps


Contributing Member
As much as I practice with the Cast Net, I'm just not very good at throwing it.:( So I thought what the heck. Lets try building some pinfish traps. A roll of galvanized 1/2" hardware cloth and the clips that they use to build rabbit cages and this is what I came up with:D
That's cool :).........what isn't obvious by the pictures, especially the big square one in the middle, is how do you get them outa the trap?!?:D
Sorry, on the side of each one is the door flap to open to pour out the pinfish. When I took the pics I hadn't put the elastic straps over the door flaps and the flaps for loading the bait holders.
Looks nice and excellent work Russ! But see what happens and the effort one has to do when you join the "Dark side of the Force" and use live bait? :p

Now if a Redfish will pick up a chunk of hard metal spoon just laying on the bottom while helping another angler with this on it
PRO-CURE Super Gel, High Performance Gel Fishing and Bait Scents just image what it will do and how much time it will save you :D

Shoot, I am trying to figure out how to get this stuff back off after I put it on... More than once I have been stuck with a hook from a crank-bait slipping through my hands while retying :eek: since it sticks on and stays on so well :cool: